The following opinion piece was submitted by Tommy an inmate in a Texas prison.


The times we are living in right now are very troublesome. The fear that mainstream media is pushing out daily has not only our cities and state at a standstill, but the whole world is living in fear.

As Christians, God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7).

As I sit here in conversation with several men, the main topic is, of course, the Coronavirus. I listen to people talk about the death-rate of the virus being at one percent or so. I heard someone else say that the death rate in Italy was higher than anywhere else.

This opened up the door for me to input my two cents on the subject. I told the group of men that contrary to what they hear, the death rate worldwide is 100 percent.

Hebrews 9:27 states that it is appointed for all men to die once.

Now stating such a proclamation to a group of men who are not practicing Christians opened the door for me to further expound on the subject. I really had no choice since they asked what I meant.

So I explained. Covid-19 has killed approximately 9000 people, or so. (The Covid-19 death rate has increased since the time this was written.) The influenza virus kills more than 59,000 Americans alone each year. And while these numbers may be staggering, there is a virus much more deadly and kills at 100 percent. This virus is called sin.

Romans 6:23 states, “For the wages of sin is death.”

All sin results in death, all of the time. There is no medication to cure it, the only that that follows is judgment.

The only vaccine or cure for sin is the blood of Jesus Christ. Through Jesus Christ, we do not have to die in our sins, because through the redemptive work on Calvary, our sins have been washed away and forgotten.

The world is in an uproar over the Covid-19 pandemic. They are sheltering in place at home. They are social distancing and preparing for a long stay at home.

But what if the whole world was as concerned in such a way toward the sin-virus pandemic? What if we guarded our lips over some of the trash that spews forth? What if we prepared our hearts to accept Christ as our Lord and Savior? What if we went out of our way to permanently close the bars and the Las Vegas strip, which is referred to as “sin city”? What if we practiced social distancing from these corrupt morals? What if we spent more time with our families seeking Christ in His Word as a family unit?

The word pandemic is defined as an epidemic over a large area. I would say the sin-virus is an epidemic worldwide.

It is time we get our priorities straight. The sin-virus is real and far more deadly than Covid-19 or any other virus. Millions of people die daily lost in sin. Yet faced with the deadly virus of sin, we go about our days oblivious to the danger.

Something that has a death rate of one percent has the world turned upside down. Yet with something that has a 100 percent fatality rate, we shrug our shoulders at it.

“… And when sin is allowed to grow, it gives birth to death” (James 1:15 NLT).


Good news, everyone has the opportunity to receive the vaccine to the sin-virus. For more information on how, visit our What about Eternity? page.


Jesus is our Advocate and eradicates the sin virus PLUS all diseases. More than 30 Scripture-based prayers are included in Appeal to the Courtroom of Heaven.

In Appeal to the Courtroom of Heaven: Petitions for Prisoners and Prison Families I share my unexpected prison family journey testimony. I also point out how the Lord redeemed the worst-of-the-worst offenders found in the pages of the Bible and explain an effective prayer strategy I learned from this experience.

I pray my transparency and vulnerability points to the source of HOPE for those who lost hope in the midst of despair.


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