Adam and Eve walked with God every day and knew Him on a very personal level. Due to this intimacy, they knew God’s heart. But then the serpent showed up? How did he get Eve to take the forbidden fruit? He did not force it down her throat, but he cunningly tricked her by asking, “Did God really say …?”

Ever since Genesis, the enemy has twisted the truth, lied, schemed, and fooled believers. No one is exempt from this wicked tactic. So, we must train ourselves by the Word of God to recognize it.

Galatians 6:7 says, “Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap” (NKJV).

Sowing and reaping are farming terms. We wouldn’t plant potatoes then at harvest time look for carrots. That’s just ridiculous, right? The same principle applies in the Spirit realm.

According to this passage, we can be duped and not realize it. The definition for “deceive” from the Greek means “to lead astray, cause to wander; to roam.”

Deception sneaks up on us. How do we know if we’ve been living in deception? We look at the fruit of our lives.

In the Spirit realm, our words are seeds that we sow. Proverbs 18:21 says, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue, And those who love it will eat its fruit.”

We get the fruit of what we say. What do you talk about the most? What are you saying about the coronavirus? Are you repeating what the news media says about it? Or someone’s negative talk?

Yes, this pandemic is real, and we should take all the necessary precautions feasibly possible. But what words are we saying?

I am a melanoma cancer survivor. I know many other cancer survivors as well as survivors of other life-threatening issues. When the doctor gave his report, he spoke about how fast it spreads, and the uncertain odds at defeating it. Yes, I won’t lie, fear came over me.

But I chose to face the fear, and I spoke life to my body, life to my circumstances, and prayed for the right treatment options for me. Each step of the process, the doctor gave good news. The situation turned around and I’ve been cancer free for over five years!

Every testimony of God’s healing and deliverance has a common denominator—they sowed God’s lifegiving words into their situation. They focused their thoughts on what the Word of God says, not the doctor’s report.

Has the enemy’s deception crept into your vocabulary regarding COVID-19?

Again, COVID-19 is a real issue, it does spread quickly, and we need to be alert. Yet, each believer has Holy Spirit power to speak life—sow good seed—into their circumstances to obtain favorable results.

So yes, a believer can be deceived. If that’s happened to you, it can be changed. Let’s take a moment to pull out the bad fruit of the negative talk we were deceived into speaking and plant good seeds that will bring a good harvest.

Let’s pray:

Lord, I thank You for You made a way through Jesus Christ for me to have life and have it more abundantly. Lord I ask You to have mercy on me as I confess I had come in agreement with the enemy’s deceitful tactic and spoke words that bring death. I ask for forgiveness for saying these things. I pray that all the bad fruit be pulled out of my life and cast away in Jesus name. This day, I choose to speak life over myself, my loved ones, my home, and my circumstances. I plead the blood of Jesus over me, my loved ones, and my home. Thank You Lord for Your Word that goes forth and accomplishes what You send it to do. This I pray in Jesus’ name, Amen.

Additional Information for you:

Seven Healing Scripture Declarations Over Coronavirus

Scripture and Declarations to Conquer Fear Over Coronavirus

More more information on healing, click here to visit our healing resource page.


Want more prayers?

More than 30 Scripture-based prayers are included in Appeal to the Courtroom of Heaven.

In Appeal to the Courtroom of Heaven: Petitions for Prisoners and Prison Families I share my unexpected prison family journey testimony. I also point out how the Lord redeemed the worst-of-the-worst offenders found in the pages of the Bible and explain an effective prayer strategy I learned from this experience.

I pray my transparency and vulnerability points to the source of HOPE for those who lost hope in the midst of despair.


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