The incarcerated men and women in American prisons remember those who served our country defending our country’s freedoms.

Earlier this month, Fortress of Hope Ministries received a letter from an inmate that included a poem honoring the U.S. soldiers.

As we pray for our incarcerated loved ones and our families, let’s remember to pray for those who serve our country and the families of those whose loved ones sacrificed their lives for our nation.

In 1971, Memorial Day became an official US holiday. Originally, it was on May 30th every year regardless of the day of the week it fell on. However, when it became a recognized holiday, it was moved to the last Monday in May. This move came with controversy as veteran groups were concerned that many Americans would not truly observe the holiday, but associate it with the first long weekend to kick off the summer. It seems that foresight has come to pass.

No matter how you’re spending this weekend holiday, I ask you as my fellow American citizens to take some time to pause and reflect on those who have served and gave their lives. Then say a prayer for them and their families. To help you get started, I included a poem from Tommy, an inmate, giving a tribute to those who serve.

Remember those who gave their all and their families!

Absent Their Wings

A Tribute to Those Who Serve Our Country

As a nation we stand before you tonight, Lord,
Before we lay down to sleep.
Giving you thanks for so many blessings,
And pray for our soul to keep.

So bountiful you’ve blessed our great nation
Yet one blessing stands out above all.
It’s the brave men and women who defend us,
In answer to the patriotic call.

Oh, what a wonderful blessing they’ve been
With courage and valor divine.
And a special prayer we offer for those
Who have surrendered their lives on the line.

For those who’ve returned, broken and torn
And now face ultimate trials.
We stand and salute each one of you,
Though the distance between us is miles.

You sent them to us, Lord, You know them quite well.
For in Heaven their names often ring.
You placed them here in the U.S. of A.
Yes, they are angels, absent their wings.

We thank You, dear Lord, for all of our soldiers,
Yes, the angels You’ve placed in our midst.
So when we give thanks for all of our blessings,
They’ll always be at the top of the list.

~Tommy, inmate

“Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some have unwittingly entertained angels” (Hebrews 13:2 NKJV).