The choices of other people may interrupt our lives.

We didn’t ask for it. And we certainly don’t want it as it doesn’t line up with our dreams.

My son’s choices that led to his incarceration were not what I dreamed or imagined for his life. Like other parents, I imagined my son growing up, going to college, finding a good job, marrying a godly woman, and having children.

But my dreams for life were interrupted.

With that interruption a mountain of devastation appeared in my life filled with anguish, despair, fear, anxiety, worry, dread, shame, along with a myriad of other negative emotions.

I began to be swallowed up in the devastation to the point that I no longer desired to fulfill the call of the Lord on my life.

The Lord called me to be a writer and a speaker for Him. With that type of calling, that meant I must live my life with transparency. I wanted to run and hide. I thought about ways to “go off the grid.” To live out in the wilderness somewhere in isolation.

But I thank God that HE surrounded me with godly people and counsel who did not let me run away too far. The Lord continued to woo me back to Him. And realizing the world has nothing to offer, but the pathway that leads to destruction and eternal death, I fully surrendered my life’s calling to the Lord.

That’s why I write about our prison family journey on this blog,  on my personal blog, on For God’s Glory Alone Ministries, and other places as the opportunity presents.

Also, that’s why I wrote Appeal to the Courtroom of Heaven: Petitions for Prisoners and Prison Families. This book releases of February 3, 2020 and I pray it fills you with hope for a future in the Lord. (Click here for more info on this book.)

When we surrender our disappointments, shame, sorrow, and all the negative emotions to the Lord through HIS Son, Jesus Christ, He fills us with joy even when our life’s plans have been interrupted.

I learned a lot from Mary, the mother of Jesus. Her life plans were interrupted when the Lord chose her to birth the Messiah. Yet she did not refuse to surrender her life to the Lord. She willingly said, “Let it be.”

Each of us has a purpose, a calling to fulfill. Have you stepped into your calling by saying, “Lord, let it be?”

Related Post: Life Interrupted
Read about the difference between my response when my life’s plans changed and Mary’s response.